Sunny in the morning, becoming partly to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. High 7°. Wind north around 8 mph, gusting to 16 mph. |
Fair in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. Patchy light fog after midnight. A mix of rain and snow likely after midnight. Low 2°. Wind west-southwest around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 70 percent. Precipitation (liquid equivalent) mostly between 10 and 20 mm. Little or no snow accumulation expected. |
Partly to mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. A slight chance of rain. High 8°. Wind northwest around 8 mph, gusting to 16 mph. Chance of precipitation 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. |
Friday night
Mostly clear in the evening, becoming partly to mostly cloudy after midnight. Low 3°. Wind north around 3 mph. |
Cloudy. A slight chance of rain. High 8°. Wind southeast around 4 mph in the morning, becoming 7 mph, gusting to 15 mph, in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. |
Saturday night
Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the evening, becoming fair after midnight. Low 3°. Wind south-southeast around 9 mph, gusting to 19 mph, in the evening, becoming 6 mph, gusting to 15 mph, after midnight. |
Sunny. High 10°. Wind south-southeast around 5 mph. |
Sunday night
Clear in the evening, becoming mostly clear after midnight. Low 3°. Wind south-southwest around 2 mph. |
Partly to mostly sunny in the morning, becoming sunny in the afternoon. High 10°. Wind south-southwest around 6 mph, gusting to 16 mph. |
Monday night
Clear. Low 3°. Wind south-southwest around 5 mph. |
Sunny. High 11°. Wind south-southeast around 8 mph, gusting to 17 mph. |
Tuesday night
Fair in the evening, becoming mostly cloudy to cloudy after midnight. A slight chance of rain after midnight. Low 5°. Wind south-southeast around 7 mph in the evening, becoming southwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. |
Partly to mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming mostly cloudy to cloudy in the afternoon. A slight chance of rain. High 10°. Wind north-northwest around 11 mph, gusting to 20 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. |
Wednesday night
Cloudy in the evening, becoming dense overcast after midnight. A slight chance of rain after midnight. Low 5°. Wind north-northeast around 10 mph, gusting to 19 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. |
Cloudy. A slight chance of rain in the afternoon. High 8°. Wind north-northeast around 6 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. |
Thursday night
Partly cloudy in the evening, becoming clear after midnight. Patchy light fog after midnight. Low 2°. Wind north-northeast around 3 mph. |
Sunny. Patchy light fog in the morning. High 9°. Wind north-northeast around 2 mph. |
Friday night
Clear. Low 2°. Wind north-northeast near calm. |